Quick Guide - Inventory

  • To control inventory, each supplier needs at least one tool coordinator.

    On the supplier side, this person coordinates the proper execution of the inventory and is responsible for the timely and complete reporting of the inventory results.

    In the company, this usually comes from sales or key account management.

  • To register, contact your BMW Group Partner Portal (B2B) master administrator directly to obtain authorization as a tool coordinator. Instructions for master administrators can be found here.

    IMPORTANT: Please log in to the system once afterwards to complete your registration.

    If you do not have a BMW Group Partner Portal (B2B) master administrator, you will be informed directly by your customer. (Subcontractor)

  • If you have been requested to take inventory by e-mail by the inventory office(mytools.inventory@bmwgroup.com), you will find the tools for inventory under Reports -> production equipment and as inventory orders with due date underInventory -> Execution.

    If you have not yet been asked to do so directly, you can here to view the inventory planning and derive the expected scope based on reports -> production equipment. (Instructions see here)

  • Look into your inventory orders and check which type of inventory is specified.

    At a minimum, confirmation of the location and company is required. If necessary, additional evidence (e.g. photos) and documentation must be provided. You can recognize this by the respective type.

    • Location & Company ("Inventory Preparation Supplier")

    • Location & Company, Photos ("Standard")

    • Location & Company, Photos, Tool Documentation

  • Check the locations and companies (sub-suppliers) of your inventory scope and contact the respective contact person. This should be able to give you information about the existence of the production equipment.

    For example, internally these are production managers and maintenance staff and for sub-suppliers the respective sales department.

  • Maintain or add the correct locations of your company.
    If production equipment are at subcontractors, please add them to your company.

    Instruction: Subcontractor Management