
Tooling Coordinator.

As a tool coordinator, you control and manage the production equipment inventory in your company and are the contact person for BMW or the inventory office.

  • They receive inventory orders.

  • To organise the processes you can create sub-orders and distribute them to other people, locations and subcontractors.

  • However it important that the person is registered and the company created in the system beforehand (for instructions, click "here").

  • You also have the option of carrying out the inventory yourself. You can download the Quickguide here.

  • After the inventory has been carried out on the supplier side, collect all results and check them for completeness and correctness.

  • If all results are complete and correct, the results need to be reported to BMW or the inventory office.

These instructions describe how to carry out and confirm a new inventory order in the system.

To get an overview of the status of an inventory order, you can always use the icons as a guide. You can find download instructions here.

1. Click on "User tasks". Here you can start all your tasks and also close those after finishing the inventory. A small red symbol appears on the button for newly arrived tasks.

2. Select the "Carry out inventory" task for a specific inventory. To (re)find a specific task in this list, a search and filter function is also available.

Now click on "Inventory" to open the inventory order.

Now the inventory can either be carried out by yourself (for instructions click "here"), or a sub-order can be created and forwarded. To do this, select "Suborders" and click on "New Suborder" in the three-point menu.

Name the subcontract and assign it a company and a recipient. Click on "Create and add production equipment".
Attention, company and recipient must have been created beforehand (For instructions click "here").

Select the tools to be added to this sub-task and click on "Add".

Click on the tab "Suborders" and on the three-dot menu of the suborder to be sent. Select "Send inventory order" here to send it.

When the sub-order has been processed and returned, you will receive a new user task, the button with the "user tasks" is marked red again. Click on it again and select the task "Check confirmation of inventory suborder".

Select "Inventory" again to go to the sub-order.

10. now check the result. If you are not satisfied, you can "Send for correction". To do this, please open the tools that did not suit you beforehand.

To clarify which tools are not OK, open them and select "Reject result". If you are satisfied with the overall result, click on "Accept result" for each tool.

12. if the location was not correct, a "reason" for the changed location must be selected before the "accept result".

When you are finished with the test, go back one step and click on "Finish task". The task is "ticked off" in your task list and appears with a green tick only in the completed tasks.

If you have corrected the sub-order, you must wait until you receive it again. If you were satisfied with the result, return to the original inventory order via the user task "Perform inventory".

When all results have been checked and accepted, you can confirm the entire inventory order to the original creator. Please also note that a confirmation is only possible if all sub-orders belonging to this order have been confirmed (by the respective assigned user of the sub-order).

When the inventory order has been confirmed, you can "End task" in the user tasks. This completes the process for an inventory task.