Relocation of the supplier (Relocation) - Implementation.

Tooling Coordinator.

The role, responsibility of the tooling coordinator and requirements for relocation are here described here.

This guide explains how to performan approved relocation request in the system.

Notice. If a location is to be corrected which was confirmed incorrectly in the acceptance readiness statement (ABL), the relocation process should not be used. For such changes please contact our Support.

Step 1: Search approved application

Once a relocation request is approved, you will receive a notification of your user tasks.

Find out the user task in question and open it.

Step 2: Open approved application

Click on the link "Relocation" to open the approved application.

Step 3: Create relocation order

To be able to document the relocation
, you must first create a relocation request.

To do this, first click on "Transfer orders".

and then go to
"New relocation request".

Step 4: Name job, add and assign data.

Give the order a distinct order name, specify the loading date and arrival date, and assign the order to a consignee.

Then click on "Create and add production equipment".

Step 5: Add manufacturing equipment to the order

Select the relevant manufacturing equipment from

and click on
"Add to Application".

Please note that all production resources in this application also have the same loading and arrival date as the order itself. If production equipment has different loading and/or arrival dates, please create a separate order for each with the correct data.

Step 6: Send order

To send the order to the selected recipient click again on "Relocation orders"

and in the three-dot menu of the respective order click on "Send to recipient".

Should you wish to document the execution of the relocation yourself, you will need tool coordinator rights (IVL) at the recipient company for this purpose.

Step 7: Document the implementation of the relocation

Create documentation of the manufacturing equipment by confirming the location and uploading two photos.

The same requirements apply here as for an ABL (e.g. photos with geodata).

Upload the necessary issued proofs (confirmation of arrival, CMR waybill).

Specify the relocation completion date and report back the order.