SBM Inventory for Oxford.
Welcome to the onboarding.
Carrying out the inventory of all SBM for BMW (UK) Manufacturing Ltd. via MyTools@orca.
Inventory plan.
The inventory will start on 15 November 2021. The inventory will take place in waves, please refer to the inventory plan for your personal schedule based on your BMW supplier number. As a rule, you have four weeks from receipt of the inventory orders to carry them out. Please note that updates may occur. Therefore, check the plan regularly, at the latest 2 weeks before the planned start.
orca Onboarding.
In order to start the inventory smoothly, we ask you to observe and carry out the points under Onboarding.
orca Onboarding.
Determine responsibilities.
For suppliers there are basically 4 roles in orca :
Administrator - creates locations and users
Tool coordinator - controls and manages the entire inventory
Tool supervisor - controls individual inventory orders and tools (optional)
Stocktaker - physically carries out the stocktake
Think about how you want to position yourself in your company. One person can also take on several roles. It is important that you appoint a tool coordinator in preparation for the inventory. This person can then create all other users through his or her function as administrator.
Register Tool Coordinator.
Once you have named your tool coordinator, please create it as such via BMW B2B. This can be done by your BMW B2B master administrator. The required role can be found in the BMW B2B Portal under Administration > B2B Role Assignment > Purchasing > Use MyTools.
Note: You can find the master/administrator responsible for you in the portal using the 'Administrator search' function in the 'Help' menu or directly on the start page under 'Quicklinks'.
Afterwards, the tool coordinator must log in to orca once so that the registration is completed and inventory orders can be sent. This is then displayed in orca under Company > Users with the user groups IVL, ITL.
Preparation of the inventory.
To carry out the inventory, it is necessary to take two photos of the tool, one of the inventory plate (the tool identifier) and one of the entire tool. These photos are subjected to some checks in orca. Before carrying out the inventory, please make sure that the person carrying out the inventory has a device that allows him to fulfil the following requirements:
Setting the resolution to at least 1024*768
Activating location access to the camera
Up-to-date virus scanner on the device
Here you will find a Quick Guide for the inventory manager to download and share with them:
Everything prepared? Let's take inventory.
All further information - click instructions, FAQs, basics as well as the link to support can be found directly in the system on the home page.
You can access orca as usual via the list of applications in the B2B portal or directly here.
Questions or problems with registration: mytools.inventory@bmwgroup.com