Quick Guide for Corporations - Inventory
Each supplier needs at least one group coordinator to manage the inventory.
This person coordinates the proper planning and execution of the inventory on the supplier side.
In the company, this usually comes from sales or key account management.
If you have designated a group coordinator, report this (e-mail address) to your BMW contact and to the mytools.inventory@bmwgroup.com.
As a group coordinator, you need the role of a tool coordinator in the system. To register, contact your BMW Group Partner Portal (B2B) master administrator directly to obtain authorization as a tool coordinator. Instructions for master administrators can be found here.
If you do not yet have BMW Group Partner Portal (B2B) access, please contact your company master administrator for the portal. This person is responsible for the access authorizations.
After you have reported your Group Coordinator, they will be given access to a BMW Panama Project Drive for the Group Inventory.
After his access has been approved, he will receive an authorization email from DIVA@bmw.de. Once he has received this, he can access the Panama project drive via his B2B partner portal. Instructions for this can be found here.
There, he receives an overview of the inventory-relevant scope of production resources.
If necessary, the Group Coordinator notifies substitutes (with e-mail address) to the mytools@bmwgroup.comThis person will then also have access to the Panama project drive.
We recommend that the Group Coordinator and his/her deputies participate in a dialogue event.
In this, the entire procedure is explained to you again in person and there is room for open questions.
For the appointment booking please select find dialog event orca - inventory corporations.
You can find the link here.
The Group Coordinator schedules the assignment of Tooling Coordinators (TCs) to individual SBMs in Planning Excel.
For each SBM in Excel, a responsible WK must be on file no later than June 30, 2023.
The planning Excel can be found in Panama project drive.
Instructions on how to fill the Excel with explanations can be found in the Excel itself.
The WKs deposited for a specific SBM scope must be logged into the system or still registering.
To register, WKs contact your BMW Group Partner Portal (B2B) Master Administrator directly to obtain authorization as a tool coordinator. Instructions for master administrators can be found here.
This must be done by 30.06.2023 at the latest.
The WKs maintain or add the correct locations of your respective companies. If production resources are located at sub-suppliers, the WKs create these for your company.
Instruction: Subcontractor management
This must have been done by the time the inventory is taken.
The inventory office sends inventory orders to the WKs stored in Excel.
The WKs process the inventory requests (confirming the current location of the SBMs) and report them back no later than the registered reporting date (October 2023).